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Wardtown, VA Weather Maps

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Wardtown Weather Map
UTC Time: 10/15/2024, 05:40
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Wardtown, VA Regional Weather

ASUS41 KAKQ 150511

100 AM EDT TUE OCT 15 2024

Note: "fair" indicates few or no clouds below 12,000 feet with no
significant weather and/or obstructions to visibility. * = Denotes
station may not report precipitation (e.g., rain,snow,etc.),
thunder or fog.

                       AIR SEA DIR/SP/G            HT/PER HT/PER
                 (UTC) (F)     (DEG/KT/KT) (MB)    (FT/S) (FT/S)
CAPE MAY NJ      0424   52 62  340/  2/  6 1013.1
LEWES DE         0424   54 64  340/ 22/ 25 1013.6
15NM E FENWICK I 0450   56 67  340/ 19/ 25 1012.9R   6/ 6
OCEAN-CITY-INLET 0424   54 67  340/ 11/ 15 1012.0
44089 WALLOPS IS 0456      69                N/A     3/ 3
WACHAPREAGUE VA  0424   56 63  350/  4/  9 1013.4
THOMAS POINT MD  0500   52     320/ 12/ 14 1015.9R
GOOSES REEF MD   0442   53 68  360/ 21/ 29   N/A     1/ 3
COVE POINT MD    0424   54     310/ 12/ 17 1014.7
SOLOMONS ISLAND  0424   54 69  320/  6/ 10 1014.8
BISHOPS HEAD MD  0424   55 62  350/  8/ 10 1014.3
PINEY POINT MD   0424          350/ 18/ 21   N/A
POTOMAC MD       0442   53 69  320/ 19/ 25   N/A     2/17
CAMBRIDGE MD     0424   55 65  360/ 12/ 16 1014.9
LEWISETTA VA     0424   56 67  320/ 13/ 16 1014.7
RAPPAHANNOCK LGT 0424          330/ 25/ 28 1015.3
STINGRAY PT      0448      68                N/A
YORKTOWN VA      0424   56 69  330/ 10/ 12 1014.6
JAMESTOWN VA     0442   52 69  360/  8/ 12   N/A
DOMINION TERM VA 0424   58      80/  2/  5 1014.6
KIPTOPEKE VA     0424   59 67   10/ 20/ 25 1014.6
CHES BAY BRIDGE  0424   60     360/ 22/ 26 1012.7
CAPE HENRY VA    0424   60     330/ 24/ 26 1014.1
WILLOUBY STN VA  0424   57     340/ 14/ 17 1014.4
S CRANEY ISL VA  0424   58     340/ 11/ 19 1014.0
CAPE HENRY BUOY  0456      70                N/A     5/ 4
1ST LANDING BUOY 0442   58     350/ 23/ 29   N/A     2/ 4
64NM E OF VA BCH 0450   63 69  330/ 17/ 21 1013.7R   8/ 7
DUCK PIER NC     0424   61 71  330/ 12/ 17 1013.9
44100 DUCK FRF   0400   64 70                N/A     5/ 6
44056 DUCK FRF   0456      71                N/A     4/ 6
OREGON INLET NC  0424   61 70  360/  7/ 10 1014.6
HATTERAS NC      0424   66 71   10/ 15/ 17 1014.4
DIAMOND SHLS NC  0450      74  350/ 16/ 21 1013.5R   5/ 7
CAPE LOOKOUT NC  0400   63      10/  9/ 10 1014.7R

SKY/WX - Weather  TMP - Temperature  DP - Dew Point  RH - Humidity
WIND - Wind Direction/Speed PRES - Barometric Pressure VSB - Visibility
WCI - Wind Chill Index E13G22 Wind - East Wind 13 mph/Gusts of 22 mph

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