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Clifton Springs, NY Hourly Weather Forecast

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24 Hour Forecast

Current Conditions - Clear. Temperature is 40°F5°C, dew point 37°F3°C, humidity 88%. Wind direction is WSW at 6 mph10 km/h with visibility of 10 mi16 km. Barometric pressure is 29.92 in1013 mb.
Today - Mostly sunny this morning, then partly sunny with a chance of showers early this afternoon. Mostly cloudy with showers likely late.. Full Forecast
Tonight - Mostly cloudy. Showers likely in the evening, then a chance of showers overnight. Lows around 40. Northwest winds 10 to 15 mph, di.. Full Forecast

Clifton Springs Hourly Weather

24 Hour Forecast Scroll
Clifton Springs, NY Hourly Weather -  - Clifton Springs, NY Hourly Weather -  -
°F-18°C °F-18°C
% %
°F-18°C °F-18°C
** **
mph mph
mi km mi km
Hour (EDT)
Precip. Type
Wind Direction
Wind Speed
POP = Probability of Precipitation. ** Indicates missing data/values from model statistics.

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Prob Precip % = Probability of Precipitation.

Clifton Springs 36 Hour Forecast

POP = Probability of Precipitation. ** Indicates missing data/values from model statistics.

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Clifton Springs NY Weather - 5:34 am

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