24 Hour Forecast
Current conditions - Partly Cloudy. The temperature is 10°C50°F. Humidity is 87%, wind is NNE at 6 km/h4 mph. The barometric pressure is 101.5 kPa29.97 in. with visibility of 24 km15 mi.
Today - Partly Cloudy . Temperatures as high as 28°C82°F, low temperature around 12°C54°F, wind out of the E 26 km/h16 mph. Barometric pressure 101.2 kPa29.88 in, visibility 10 km6 mi, humidity 60%, uv index 3.
Tuesday - Overcast . Temperatures as high as 26°C80°F, low temperature around 16°C62°F, wind out of the ESE 28 km/h17 mph. Barometric pressure 100.8 kPa29.77 in, visibility 8 km5 mi, humidity 84%, uv index 4.