Nabesna, AK 7-Day Night Weather Forecast
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Nabesna, AK Weather Forecast
Nabesna, AK Weather Forecast Date: 553 AM AKST Sat Dec 07 2024
The area/counties/county of: Copper River Basin, including the cities of: Glennallen, Eureka, Mccarthy, Paxson, and Slana.or toggle through each period.
Today... Partly sunny. Highs in the mid teens to mid 30s. North wind 15 mph.
Tonight... Mostly cloudy. Lows zero to 15 above...Warmest southeast of glennallen. Light winds.
Sunday... Partly sunny. A chance of snow in the afternoon. Highs in the 20s. Light winds except east 15 mph along the Copper River.
Sunday Night... Mostly cloudy. Lows 10 to 25 above. Variable wind 10 mph except east 10 to 20 mph along the Copper River.
Monday... Mostly cloudy. Highs in the mid 20s to upper 30s. Variable wind 10 mph.
Monday Night... Mostly cloudy. Lows 15 to 25.
Tuesday... Mostly cloudy with a chance of snow. Highs 25 to 35. Lows 15 to 25.
Wednesday... Mostly cloudy with a chance of snow. Highs 25 to 35. Lows 15 to 25.
Wednesday Night... Mostly cloudy with a chance of snow. Lows 5 to 15. Highs 15 to 25.
Thursday... Mostly cloudy with a chance of snow. Lows 5 to 15. Highs 15 to 25.
Thursday Night... Mostly cloudy with a chance of snow. Lows zero to 10 above. Highs in the teens.