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Weather for Depue, ILDepue, IL Weather & Current Conditions

Depue, IL 7-Day Weather Forecast

Depue, IL WeatherCurrent Conditions and Weather for Depue, Illinois
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Current Conditions

Depue IL weather  - Clear - 25°F
Updated 12:33 pm
Feels Like 14°F
Humidity 55%
Wind SE 16 mph
Barometer  30.48 in
Dew Point 11°F
Depue IL weather  - Clear - -4°C
Updated 12:33 pm
Feels Like -10°C
Humidity 55%
Wind SE 26 km/h
Barometer  103.2 kPa
Dew Point -12°C
Weather in DepueDepue Weather

Depue Weather Forecast

Weather DepueDepue weather forecast

Depue, IL Weather Forecast Date: 1204 PM CST Fri Feb 14 2025

Weather forecast for Depue, IL

Depue IL Weather for Rest Of Today - Snow
Hi: 29°FHi: -2°C
Lo: 29°F
Lo: -2°C
Rest of Today... Snow. Little or no snow accumulation. Not as cool with highs in the upper 20s. Southeast winds 10 to 15 mph with gusts up to 30 mph. Chance of snow 90%.
Depue IL Weather for Saturday - Sleet
Hi: 35°FHi: 2°C
Lo: 20°F
Lo: -7°C
Saturday... Cloudy. A chance of freezing drizzle, drizzle and snow in the morning, then snow, rain and sleet with freezing rain likely in the afternoon. Additional snow and sleet accumulation around an inch. Ice accumulation of up to a tenth of an inch. Highs in the mid 30s. Southeast winds around 5 mph, becoming northeast 10 to 15 mph in the afternoon. Chance of precipitation 90%.
Depue IL Weather for Sunday - Chance Of Snow
Hi: 25°FHi: -4°C
Lo: -10°F
Lo: -23°C
Sunday... Mostly cloudy. A chance of snow in the morning. Little or no additional snow accumulation. Cooler with highs in the mid 20s. Temperature falling to around 17 in the afternoon. Northwest winds 15 to 20 mph with gusts up to 30 mph. Chance of snow 30%. Wind chill values as low as 2 below.
Depue IL Weather for Tuesday - Mostly Cloudy
Hi: 8°FHi: -13°C
Lo: -10°F
Lo: -23°C
Tuesday... Mostly cloudy. Highs 5 to 10 above. Lows around 10 below. Wind chill values as low as 25 below.
Depue IL Weather for Tuesday - Mostly Cloudy
Hi: 8°FHi: -13°C
Lo: -3°F
Lo: -19°C
Tuesday... Mostly cloudy. Highs 5 to 10 above. Lows around 10 below. Wind chill values as low as 25 below.
Depue IL Weather for Wednesday - Mostly Cloudy
Hi: 10°FHi: -12°C
Lo: -3°F
Lo: -19°C
Wednesday... Mostly cloudy. Lows 5 below to zero. Highs around 10 above. Wind chill values as low as 15 below.
Depue IL Weather for Thursday - Partly Cloudy
Hi: 13°FHi: -11°C
Lo: -3°F
Lo: -19°C
Thursday... Partly cloudy. Lows 5 below to zero. Highs 10 to 15. Wind chill values as low as 20 below.

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