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Fort Reliance, NT Weather Forecastfort reliance nt weather

Fort Reliance, NT 10-Day Weather Charts

FORT RELIANCE NT WEATHERCurrent Conditions and Fort Reliance, Northwest Territories Weather Forecast
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Fort Reliance NT Weather - 3:49 am

24 Hour Forecast

Current conditions - Blizzard. The temperature is -2°C28°F. Humidity is 96%, wind is W at 33 km/h21 mph. The barometric pressure is 99.9 kPa29.5 in. with visibility of 0 km0 mi.
Today - Heavy snow. Temperatures as high as -4°C24°F, low temperature around -23°C-9°F, probability of precipitation 88%, wind out of the SSW 33 km/h21 mph. Barometric pressure 100.1 kPa29.56 in, visibility 4 km2 mi, humidity 94%.
Monday - Mist. Temperatures as high as -21°C-6°F, low temperature around -27°C-16°F, probability of precipitation 60%, wind out of the SE 18 km/h11 mph. Barometric pressure 101.2 kPa29.88 in, visibility 6 km4 mi, humidity 92%.

10 Day High/Low Temp Chart

10 Day High/Low Temp Chart

10 Day POP Chart

10 Day Dew Point Chart

10 Day Dew Point Chart

10 Day Humidity Chart

10 Day UV Index Chart

10 Day Barometric Pressure Chart

10 Day Barometric Pressure Chart

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