24 Hour Forecast
Current conditions - Blizzard. The temperature is -2°C28°F. Humidity is 96%, wind is W at 33 km/h21 mph. The barometric pressure is 99.9 kPa29.5 in. with visibility of 0 km0 mi.
Today - Heavy snow. Temperatures as high as -4°C24°F, low temperature around -23°C-9°F, probability of precipitation 88%, wind out of the SSW 33 km/h21 mph. Barometric pressure 100.1 kPa29.56 in, visibility 4 km2 mi, humidity 94%.
Monday - Mist. Temperatures as high as -21°C-6°F, low temperature around -27°C-16°F, probability of precipitation 60%, wind out of the SE 18 km/h11 mph. Barometric pressure 101.2 kPa29.88 in, visibility 6 km4 mi, humidity 92%.