McClellanville, SC Weather Maps °F °C°F °C South Carolina Map Options Temperatures Weather Dew Point Wind Speeds Barometric Pressure Heat Index Wind Chill Temperatures Weather Dew Point Wind Speeds Barometric Pressure Heat Index Wind Chill Humidity UTC Time: 11/9/2024, 09:46 Your Time: McClellanville, South Carolina Hour by Hour Forcast McClellanville, SC Regional Weather Expires:202411091000;;732186 ASUS42 KCHS 090925 RWRCHS Regional Weather Roundup National Weather Service Charleston SC 400 AM EST SAT NOV 09 2024 NOTE: "fair" indicates few or no clouds below 12,000 feet with no significant weather and/or obstructions to visibility. Not all stations are quality controlled. Use data with caution, especially dewpoint observations. SCZ027-028-034-036>038-045-046-048>050-GAZ119-141-091000- ...Lake and Supplemental Coastal Observations... STATION/POSITION TIME TEMP WIND PRES WAVE SWELL AIR SEA DIR/SP/G HT/PER HT/PER/DIR (UTC) (F) (DEG/KT/KT) (MB) (FT/S) (FT/S/D) Winyah Bay 0845 69 320/ 4 1019.0S Lake Murray 0850 66 CALM N/A Chrlstn Harbor 0842 72 350/ 3/ 5 1018.9R ACE Basin NERRS 0845 68 CALM 1018.0S Fort Pulaski 0842 73 20/ 1/ 2 1018.3R Sapelo Island 0900 69 50/ 4 1017.0 $$ SKY/WX - Weather TMP - Temperature DP - Dew Point RH - HumidityWIND - Wind Direction/Speed PRES - Barometric Pressure VSB - VisibilityWCI - Wind Chill Index E13G22 Wind - East Wind 13 mph/Gusts of 22 mph South Carolina Weather Map South Carolina Wind Speeds Map South Carolina Humidity Map South Carolina Barometric Pressure Map
McClellanville Radar Loop Use the map search tool if you want to place a location marker on the radar map...