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Old Tappan, NJ Hourly Weather Updates

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Old Tappan, NJ Weather Maps

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Old Tappan Weather Map
UTC Time: 12/10/2024, 23:37
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Old Tappan, NJ Regional Weather

ASUS41 KOKX 102310

Regional Weather Roundup
National Weather Service New York NY
600 PM EST TUE DEC 10 2024

Note: "FAIR" indicates few or no clouds below 12,000 feet with no
significant weather and/or obstructions to visibility.

New Jersey
Newark/Liberty LGT RAIN  49  46  90 N8        30.03S FOG              
Teterboro      CLOUDY    45  44  97 E6        30.03S                  
Caldwell       CLOUDY    45  45 100 E6        30.03F FOG              
Somerville     LGT RAIN  47  47 100 NE5       29.99S FOG              
Linden         CLOUDY    49  47  94 E6        30.01F FOG              
Perth Amboy      N/A     48 N/A N/A NE3         N/A                   
Sussex         CLOUDY    45  44  97 CALM      30.02S FOG              
Andover          N/A     45  43  93 CALM      29.99F                  
Trenton        CLOUDY    50  49  96 E6        29.98S FOG              
Millville      CLOUDY    52  50  93 SE6       29.97S                  
Atlantic City  CLOUDY    54  51  90 S7        29.98F                  
Wrightstown    CLOUDY    54  50  87 SE5       29.98                   
Toms River     CLOUDY    52  51  97 CALM      30.00F                  
Belmar         CLOUDY    52  52 100 E8        30.01F                  

SKY/WX - Weather  TMP - Temperature  DP - Dew Point  RH - Humidity
WIND - Wind Direction/Speed PRES - Barometric Pressure VSB - Visibility
WCI - Wind Chill Index E13G22 Wind - East Wind 13 mph/Gusts of 22 mph

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