24 Hour Forecast
Current conditions - Overcast . The temperature is -1°C30°F. Humidity is 92%, wind is ESE at 8 km/h5 mph. The barometric pressure is 103 kPa30.42 in. with visibility of 1 km1 mi.
Today - Moderate snow. Temperatures as high as 1°C34°F, low temperature around -6°C22°F, probability of precipitation 65%, wind out of the SE 9 km/h5 mph. Barometric pressure 103.1 kPa30.45 in, visibility 7 km4 mi, humidity 83%.
Thursday - Moderate rain. Temperatures as high as 11°C52°F, low temperature around 4°C40°F, chance of rain 86%, wind out of the SSW 34 km/h21 mph. Barometric pressure 101.6 kPa30 in, visibility 8 km5 mi, humidity 97%.