Stockton-On-Tees, United Kingdom 7-Day Weather Forecast
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Stockton-On-Tees, United Kingdom Weather Forecast
Stockton-On-Tees, Weather Forecast Date: 1108 PM Sat Oct 05 2024 (Stockton-On-Tees Time)
Today Lo: 9°C48°F Hi: 15°C60°F |
Sunny Saturday, temperatures as high as 15°C60°F, low temperature around 9°C48°F, wind out of the S 17 mph17 mph. Barometric pressure 1012 mb29.88 in, visibility 6 mi6 mi, humidity 78%, uv index 2. |
Sunday Lo: 10°C49°F Hi: 13°C55°F |
Patchy rain nearby Sunday, temperatures as high as 13°C55°F, low temperature around 10°C49°F, chance of rain 89%, wind out of the SSE 13 mph13 mph. Barometric pressure 1000 mb29.53 in, visibility 5 mi5 mi, humidity 84%. |
Monday Lo: 8°C47°F Hi: 16°C60°F |
Partly Cloudy Monday, temperatures as high as 16°C60°F, low temperature around 8°C47°F, wind out of the S 12 mph12 mph. Barometric pressure 995 mb29.38 in, visibility 5 mi5 mi, humidity 86%, uv index 2. |
Tuesday Lo: 10°C51°F Hi: 15°C59°F |
Moderate rain Tuesday, temperatures as high as 15°C59°F, low temperature around 10°C51°F, chance of rain 88%, wind out of the SSE 11 mph11 mph. Barometric pressure 995 mb29.38 in, visibility 5 mi5 mi, humidity 92%. |
Wednesday Lo: 10°C50°F Hi: 14°C57°F |
Patchy rain nearby Wednesday, temperatures as high as 14°C57°F, low temperature around 10°C50°F, chance of rain 87%, wind out of the ESE 23 mph23 mph. Barometric pressure 986 mb29.12 in, visibility 4 mi4 mi, humidity 92%. |
Thursday Lo: 8°C46°F Hi: 11°C51°F |
Moderate rain Thursday, temperatures as high as 11°C51°F, low temperature around 8°C46°F, chance of rain 87%, wind out of the NW 26 mph26 mph. Barometric pressure 982 mb29 in, visibility 6 mi6 mi, humidity 84%. |
Friday Lo: 6°C43°F Hi: 10°C49°F |
Patchy rain nearby Friday, temperatures as high as 10°C49°F, low temperature around 6°C43°F, chance of rain 86%, wind out of the WNW 17 mph17 mph. Barometric pressure 997 mb29.44 in, visibility 6 mi6 mi, humidity 82%. |
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