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Susanville, CA 7-Day Night Weather Forecast

SUSANVILLE, CA WEATHERCurrent Conditions and Weather for Susanville, California
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Susanville CA weather  - Clear - 46°F
Updated 1:06 pm
Feels Like 42°F
Humidity 49%
Wind WSW 29 mph
Barometer  30.07 in
Dew Point 28°F
Susanville CA weather  - Clear - 8°C
Updated 1:06 pm
Feels Like 5°C
Humidity 49%
Wind WSW 47 km/h
Barometer  101.8 kPa
Dew Point -2°C

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Susanville CA Weather - 4:06 pm
Weather in SusanvilleSusanville Weather

Susanville, CA Weather Forecast

Weather SusanvilleSusanville weather forecast

Susanville, CA Weather Forecast Date: 232 AM PST Wed Feb 19 2025

The area/counties/county of: Lassen, including the cities of: Portola, Susanville, Westwood, Sierraville, and Loyalton.
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Today... Mostly cloudy with a chance of showers. Snow level 5500 to 6000 feet. Snow accumulation up to 1 inch. Highs 42 to 52. Southwest winds 10 to 15 mph. Gusts up to 40 mph in the afternoon.

Tonight... Mostly cloudy with a chance of showers in the evening, then partly cloudy with a chance of snow showers after midnight. Snow level 5500 feet lowering to the valley floor. Snow accumulation up to 2 inches. Lows 18 to 28. Northwest winds 10 to 15 mph. Gusts up to 30 mph in the evening.

Thursday... Sunny. Highs 40 to 50. Light winds.

Thursday Night... Clear. Lows 17 to 27. Northeast winds around 10 mph in the evening becoming light.

Friday... Sunny in the morning then becoming partly cloudy. Highs 45 to 55. Light winds becoming southeast around 10 mph in the afternoon.

Friday Night... Mostly cloudy. Lows 25 to 35.

Saturday... Partly cloudy. Highs 51 to 61.

Saturday Night... Mostly cloudy with a slight chance of showers. Lows 32 to 42. Highs 55 to 65.

Sunday... Mostly cloudy with a slight chance of showers. Lows 32 to 42. Highs 55 to 65.

Sunday Night... Mostly cloudy in the evening then becoming partly cloudy. Lows 30 to 40.

Monday... Partly cloudy. Highs 56 to 66.

Monday Night... Partly cloudy. Slight chance of showers in the evening. Lows 28 to 38.

POP = Probability of Precipitation

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