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Manderson, WY Weather Warnings Issue Date: 112 AM MDT Sat Oct 5 2024 ...Red Flag Warnings through Saturday Evening for Central and Western Wyoming... This Hazardous Weather Outlook is for Western and Central Wyoming. .DAY ONE...Today and Tonight. Strong west winds persist along the crest and east slopes of the Absaroka and Wind River Ranges. Mountain wind gusts of 60 to 70 mph are possible across the highest elevations. Nearby valley and foothill locations are likely to see 40 to 50 mph wind gusts. Winds will decrease through the day. A cold front early this morning will turn winds to the north and northwest. These winds persist through the afternoon. As a result, critical fire weather conditions continue before improving around sunset this evening. .DAYS TWO THROUGH SEVEN...Sunday through Friday. No hazardous weather is expected at this time. .SPOTTER INFORMATION STATEMENT... Weather spotters are encouraged to report significant weather conditions according to Standard Operating Procedures. Manderson, WY Weather Warnings, Advisories and Alerts are issued by the National Weather Service. More information can be found here: https://www.weatherworld.com/stormwarnings/wy/manderson.html
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