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Hollansburg, OH Weather Warnings WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY Issue Date: 316 PM EST Sat Feb 15 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM TO 7 PM EST SUNDAY... This Hazardous Weather Outlook is for east central Indiana and west central Ohio. .DAY ONE...This afternoon and tonight. Please listen to NOAA Weather Radio or go to weather.gov on the Internet for more information about the following hazards. Winter Weather Advisory. In addition, fog, possibly dense at times, is forecast for this afternoon into tonight. Reduced visibilities of a mile or less will be the main impact. .DAYS TWO THROUGH SEVEN...Sunday through Friday. Please listen to NOAA Weather Radio or go to weather.gov on the Internet for more information about the following hazards. Winter Weather Advisory. .SPOTTER INFORMATION STATEMENT... Weather spotters are encouraged to report snow and ice accumulations to the National Weather Service. Issue Date: 251 PM EST Sat Feb 15 2025 ...DENSE FOG POSSIBLE THIS AFTERNOON INTO TONIGHT... The combination of low level moisture and light winds will be favorable for fog development this afternoon. The fog, possibly dense at times, will last at least into this evening before some improvement occurs as a deepening area of low pressure ripples northeast through the region. Motorists should expected visibilities to lower this afternoon with low visibilities continuing into this evening. Visibility may be reduced to a quarter mile or less at times. Be prepared to slow down, allow extra time to reach your destination, and keep your low beam headlights on. Hollansburg, OH Weather Warnings, Advisories and Alerts are issued by the National Weather Service. More information can be found here: https://www.weatherworld.com/stormwarnings/oh/hollansburg.html
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