Free Weather Widgets -


Free cut n paste weather images to add to your website.

Terms of Use
You may freely use these images as long as the complete code stays intact. Altering the code will cause you to be in violation of United States and International copyright laws. If the images are not displayed on a public website, they may be in jeopardy of being disabled because we have no way of knowing if the complete code is being used properly. Finally, Weather World reserves the right to disable any image it feels is being used inappropriately.

Ask us today about a customized weather page with a link to your site on it (Your Site weather forecast. Linkback to our site required).

These weather widgets are 100% free to use, free of adware, free of spyware and any other ware you can think of. Are weather widgets safe and secure? Okay, so you are not adding spyware, adware to my widgets. Why are they free?

Weather Widgets Page 1 | Weather Widgets Page 2 | Weather Widgets Page 3

Did you know that some free widgets are Spyware or worse? Our widgets follow strict privacy guidelines! They do not spy on your visitors... We have no interest in you or your visitor's web browsing habits. Please be careful of unknown coding that comes with most free widgets.
With three pages of weather widgets, you are bound to find something you like. We are always open to suggestions. Make a suggestion.

Use this form to update the images to a new location. We are currently limited to US and Canada locations. We are working on providing worldwide locations.

Our latest offerings are probably the most customizable weather widgets available. You can easily make these match the theme of your website.

There really is no limit to the styling possibilities.

Our latest offerings are probably the most customizable weather widgets available. You can easily make these match the theme of your website.

Click here for 14px sized fonts.

Code for 13px white font

Code for 13px black font

These images are transparent. You can find one that will look good on any background. These are fresh out of the lab and at least the most versatile image we offer.

Click for the latest Camden weather forecast.
Click for the latest Camden weather forecast.
Click for the latest Camden weather forecast.
Click for the latest Camden weather forecast.
Click for the latest Camden weather forecast.
Click for the latest Camden weather forecast.
Click for the latest Camden weather forecast.
Click for the latest Camden weather forecast. Click for the latest Camden weather forecast.
Click for the latest Camden weather forecast.
Click for the latest Camden weather forecast.
Click for the latest Camden weather forecast.
Click here for 14px sized fonts.
Click here for 24px sized fonts.

Click here for 14px sized fonts.
Click for the latest Camden weather forecast.
Colors are determined by a hex color. This aspect "hwvtc=0000FF" of the code determines the color. We have included a handy color picker you can use. Dial up a color or type 0000FF into it. 0000FF = blue.
Mostly all of these images have a metric conversion, this part "alt=hwitransparentcolors3" of the code is the image name. Put a "met" on the end of the image name to get the metric representation "alt=hwitransparentcolors3met". Please use the code above if you want white or black font on your widget. The image will look much better.

Click for the latest Camden weather forecast. 13px Colored Fonts
Click for the latest Camden weather forecast. 000080 = Navy
Click for the latest Camden weather forecast. FF8000 = Orange
Click for the latest Camden weather forecast. FF0000 = Red
Click for the latest Camden weather forecast. 808000 = Olive
Click for the latest Camden weather forecast. 800080 = Purple
Click for the latest Camden weather forecast. 008080 = Teal
Click for the latest Camden weather forecast. FF00FF = Fuchsia

Built in Animated Doppler Radar! This one will work great on dark footers. Should pick up the font colors and link styles of your footer...

Widget Screen Shot (Click Camden Widget Demo Link)
Click for the latest Camden weather forecast.
Widget Screen Shot (Click Camden Widget Demo Link)

Built in Animated Doppler Radar! This one will work great on light footers. Should pick up the font colors and link styles of your footer. Widget is shown with a white background. Remove "background-color: white;" from the code and it will be transparent. Make it any color you want.

Click for the latest Camden weather forecast.
Widget Screen Shot (Click Camden Widget Demo Link)

Built in Animated Doppler Radar! This one will work great on light footers. Should pick up the font colors and link styles of your footer.

Click for the latest Camden weather forecast.
Widget Screen Shot (Click Camden Widget Demo Link)

Medium sized fonts and icons are Here!

Add a border... In that part of the code paste this: style="border: 2px solid white;" See illustration below. Change 2px to desired border width, change the color to the desired border color.
img style="border: 2px solid blue;" src="https:/...
Remove this -->style="border: 2px solid white;"<-- from the code for no border.

All of the images above offer extensive degrees of customization. Additional Customization Ideas. The code below will show the blue widget. In that part of the code where you see:
background-color: #0000FF;
make it
background-color: #808080;
In that part of the code where you see:
border: 1px solid #0000FF;
make it
border: 1px solid #808080;
if you want the other color or make those 2 colors the color of your site. Where you see the words "My Brand Name" in the code, change it to the name of your site or whatever you'd like.

Help! When I use your code it does not look the same as it does on your page. Our site uses the Bootstrap css library. Bootstrap can conflict with typical css styles. Contact us, we can help you make it look correct on your site.

My Brand Name
Click for the latest Camden weather forecast.

My Brand Name
Click for the latest Camden weather forecast.

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